Research and Reference

Forcible conversion of Hindu girls and institutionalized discriminatory practices in Pakistan

By TNV Desk – Hindus in Pakistan continue to suffer persecution through misuse of blasphemy laws and forcible conversions. However, a recent local court’s order in one such case could become a landmark judgement in this context. Sufferings of Hindus …

From Plenty to Penury: How Pakistan plundered Balochistan

By TNV Desk- Though Balochistan is a strategically important province to Pakistan which generates substantial revenue for the Pakistan government due to its high concentration of natural resources – including oil, coal, gold, copper and gas reserves, – and the …

Chinese state-run media paid U.S. newspapers millions for advertising campaign

TNV Desk- Multiple American agencies have accepted millions of dollars from China Daily, a Chinese state-run news agency, to publish Beijing’s propaganda. The information, revealed in a recent disclosure filed with the US’ Department of Justice (DoJ), lends context to …

PEW RESEARCH CENTRE – Is it really Unbiased?

By TNVDesk- The Pew Research Centre is a research institution focusing on questions of public policy and national culture. It is a subsidiary of the Pew Charitable Trusts and claims, it is a nonpartisan fact tank that provides information on …

Corona Outbreak: How China Developed Biological Warfare Capabilities

There are at least 50 other laboratories and hospitals being used as biological weapons research facilities in China, according to a report published in March 2020 in a US journal. Here is a brief look at the history and veiled functioning of Chinese biological warfare programme

Address AI’s Dangers And Geo-political Implications; Integrate Ethics In Policies: experts

Artificial Intelligence (AI) developers and policymakers need to address the dangers stemming from deepfakes and biases impacting privacy as well as the emerging technology’s damaging geo-political implications

‘EU Reporter’ Exposes Nexus Of Big Pharma And International Propaganda Against India

By TNV Desk EU Reporter, Brussels(Belgium) based European multimedia news platform has carried an expose' revealing the nexus that has been driving international propaganda against Iia on the issue of handling of Corona crisis

China-Pak Secret Bio-Weapon Deal And Unexpected Surge In Covid-19 Cases In India !

Arun Anand explains how a secret bio-weapon deal took place between India's two hostile neighbours China and Pakistan, a secret project which involves China testing biological agents outside its borders. And then India experiences an unexplained surge in Covid-19 cases puzzling scientists!

The Great Influenza Of 1918: Learning Lessons As We Confront Epidemics

Magisterial in its breadth of perspective and depth of research, The Great Influenza by John M. Barry provides us with a precise and sobering model as we confront the epidemics looming on our own horizon

पर्यावरण संरक्षण का रामबाण महिलाओं के पास है (महिला दिवस 8 मार्च)

डा. मीना कुमारी बता रही हैं सरकार करोड़ों-अरबों रुपए इस संदेश को फैलाने में खर्च करती है कि ‘पानी बचाओ, प्रकृति बचाओ’। इन सबके लिए रामबाण तो हमारे समाज की महिलाएं हैं

Swami Dayanand Saraswati : Reformist And A Staunch Nationalist

Swami Dayanand Saraswati's birth anniversary falls on March 8 in 2021. Dr Vinay Nalwa explains various aspects of this multi-dimensional personality who was a reformist and a staunch nationalist.

Book Review: Unadulterated Perspective About Progressive Unfoldment Of RSS.

Rajiv Tuli reviews Ratan Sharda’s latest book on Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh(RSS) that explains how it has evolved from an organisation to a movement.